Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hey Guys

It has been way too long! Alright so before I get back into blogging, I just wanted to let you know what has been going on in my life. 

So I graduated from University last year and my field required more study in order for me to finish my qualifications. I started a full time 15 week course back in February which was quite difficult and required a lot of time and effort. I was also required to do practical assessments, which I was not at all prepared for as I only ever had to do that in my first year of Uni. Fortunately I made some great friends who are very much a part of the reason I survived. 

So I finished the course component in May and the week after I started a work experience placement for 75 day/15 weeks. I was working as a volunteer for 5 full days of the week and had to work on the weekend at my casual job to pay bills. My family helped me out a lot during this time and I really appreciate everything they have done for me to achieve my goals.  

I finished my final day of work experience yesterday and I was honestly so sad to leave. I enjoyed everything about it, so much so that I was almost happy getting up before 6 in the mornings! I worked with some of the most amazing and lovely people, I have so many memories that I will cherish from my short time there. I also loved the work, which just makes me so happy to realise that I can enjoy the career path I have chosen. 

The main downfall to all of this however was that I felt that I had no time to spend on my blog or really doing anything in my spare time other than cooking, cleaning or spending time with loved ones. Having one day off a week is difficult when you live out of home and have to clean up after several people. 

I tried to remain active on my Instagram account, @justalittlebitofliz but I have really missed blogging. But I will have plenty of time to post regularly while I job hunt :P

If there is any suggestions on what kind of posts you would like to see just let me know. I have purchased a bit of stuff over the past few months, which I look forward to reviewing. 

Love Liz xx

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